Natural Hemp-soap-bagSoap savers are handy to make your soap last longer. And, when used correctly in your shower, it will prevent the soap from becoming slimy or disintegrating completely.

Our favourite choice is a Sisal soap bag. This is because it is another easy-to-implement, long-lasting zero waste swap enabling you to help the world towards becoming as plastic-free as possible. Plus the additional advantages of a Sisal soap bag is that it provides exfoliation, and helps with improving your circulation. It also makes your soap bar foamier and last longer!

What is Sisal?

Sisal soap bagSisal is a natural fibre which is produced by the Agave plant. This fibre can be made into twine and rope. Due to its’ strength, Sisal is popular in coastal environments as saltwater or hard water will not break these fibres down.

Sisal fibres are ethically sourced, non-toxic, and safe for use on the body. And coming from a plant makes it sustainable and environmentally friendly.

The Sisal soap bag is made with natural bristles so it can be composted when it wears out.

Why use a ‘zero-waste’ Sisal soap bag?

1. It extends the life of your soap

sisal-soap-bagWith a quick soak under the water, your natural French soap produces a rich lather in your Sisal soap bag and the soap is contained without slipping from your grasp. And when your French soap bar is almost finished just pop the soap remnants into the bag with the next bar. They will bond together to become one and you can wash with the end of the soap comfortably.

2. It reduces soap waste

Soap dishes can be a magnet for soap scum and bacteria as after use, the soap is put back into the soap dish where it sits in residue water so as the soap dissolves it becomes a puddle of slime. By using a natural Sisal soap bag, the soap is suspended by its’ clever drawstring and dry’s out naturally between use so extending the life of your soap and preventing wastage.

3. Only the best exfoliation

The Sisal soap bag is a dual-action exfoliator. As an effective body scrubber but soft on the skin, it is an ideal way to get rid of dead skin. Use the soap bag to gently massage your body and the resulting lather works with the natural sisal bristles which are firm enough to slough off dead skin, without scratching, leaving your body smooth and invigorated.

Personalised-gift-selectionSo to sum up – the natural Sisal soap bag is a multi-tasking exfoliator, increases the life of your natural French soap bar and is plastic-free. This small accessory will reduce your carbon footprint making you squeaky-clean!